4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Saturday 10 July 2010

Things we'll miss and things we won't!!

With only a few days left to go of our Mexican adventure, we all decided we would come up with a list of things we would miss about Mexico and things we would NOT miss. Everyone came up with a few including Owen. We then added a list of things people can't wait to get back to in VT. Here we go...

Things we'll miss:
  • Really good gelato ice cream (cheap too)
  • Bakery treats (cheap also)
  • Waterparks and hotsprings
  • Gringas and local taco stands
  • Manzana and toronja soda
  • Tamale, mole, and atole woman
  • Tortillan sandwiches
  • La Burger (steaks and burgers)
  • Cheap taxis
  • Walking everywhere
  • Library with cafe
  • Parroquia Church
  • Tuesday Market
  • Cheap beer
  • Great salsa dancing lessons
  • Micheladas, wings, and World Cup Soccer at Gozo's Bar
  • Celebrations, fiestas, and castillos
  • Haircuts ranging from 15 - 40 pesos (about $1.30 to $3.50)
  • Creative artisans
  • Tiendas right next door 
  • Our new friends that we made here in Mexico
  • Freshly squeezed juices
  • Incredible guacamole and hot sauces
  • Our dollar stretching so far

Things we won't miss:
  • Dog poop on the side walks
  • Garbage on the streets
  • Fireworks early in the morning
  • Our neighbor's band that plays Sunday and Thursday nights
  • Not being able drink the tap water
  • Pesky flies
  • Cobblestone streets 
  • Beggars
  • Scorpions and cockroaches (especially in our bedrooms)
  • Putting sunblock on every day followed by heavy dosages of lotion at night
  • Cracked heels from walking so much
  • Bad chocolate milk

Things in VT that we can't wait for....
  • Family and friends and our pets
  • Trampoline
  • Good bagels
  • Our grill
  • Root beer
  • Bike riding and the bike path
  • Swimming, kayaking, and sailing on Lake Champlain
  • Church Street
  • Quiet
  • English speakers
  • Wii and our toys

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