Today was another beautiful day...ok, we haven't had any bad weather days, but it still astonishes us that the sun shines here everyday. There are some weeks in Burlington when we never see the full sun! We had a lazy Sunday morning with a nice, big breakfast and then decided to go to the Botanical Gardens called El Charco de Ingenio in Spanish. Besides some interesting hiking trails, there is also a temporary exhibit featuring reptiles that we all wanted to catch.

The gardens really encompass 167 acres of nature reserve and are located within just a few minutes from San Miguel de Allende. The name,
El Charco del Ingenio, comes from a spring-fed pool nestled in an impressive canyon, which popular legend has interwoven with spirits and myths dating from the Spanish conquest. We hiked all around the canyon and the reservoir and the kids enjoyed being able to run (as Alex put it...I haven't been able to run since we came to Mexico). Ah the downfalls of living in a city! This place has so many interesting cacti and birds. I know the Audubon society is quite active here and it would be interesting to go back and take one of their birding tours.

We think the cacti are on steroids here. Just when you think you have seen the biggest cactus you have ever seen, one bigger appears. We took a few pictures so you can get an idea of the size since they are far larger than some trees back home.
The reptile exhibit was also extremely interesting. The rattlesnakes all shook their tails and raised their heads in menacing ways when we passed by their cages. It was a bit eerie, but now we all know what sound to listen for when we are out hiking! It is rattlesnake country so one best be prepared. They also had a crocodile, turtles, iguanas, many different kinds of snakes, and some reptiles that we couldn't identify. Hannah was proud that she touched a boa constrictor although we noticed she washed her hands as soon as possible afterwards!
On the way home, the taxi driver gave us a small tour of some very wealthy neighborhoods that we had never seen. Unbelievable wealth that some expats have! Alex and I then were dropped off at the jardin as he had his heart set on a real Mexican sombrero. You'll see what we purchased in the picture.
The kids enjoyed the day and so did we. We cooked spaghetti for dinner and everyone relaxed on the rooftop deck for a while. Then it was time to pack school lunches and backpacks to head back to school tomorrow. No one wants to go, but hopefully they will get back in the school routine soon. Charles heads back to VT on Tuesday and will be gone for 8 days...we will all miss him!
Ouch...do you see these thorns? These were on a bush!!
The maguay cactus will grow out of anything!
I had to put this picture in the blog as it is so funny. Bathrooms in Mexico aren't usually this....well, what is the word? Sparse? Decrepit? However, the one on the walk near the canyon was. Basically it is a mud hut with a hole in the floor. Owen is carefully aiming into the hole! The woman's room was exactly the same except it had a handle to hold onto while squatting! Ha!
Here is Alex's new hat. Isn't he just the coolest cat in town???
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