4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Thursday 10 June 2010

Alex peforms with his class

Alex and his 4 other classmates (yes, there are only 5 children in his class) performed a play at the library today. They created all the props and the outfits and did a really great job.

They also did a eurythmy performance which included clapping and moving to specific rhythms as well as doing a dance with something that resembled a small cane. They each had to keep dropping the cane behind their back and catching it, which was really neat.

It was a lovely afternoon of performances and the kids were excited to perform on stage. Alex said most of his lines in English, but a few he did in Spanish. He even got to play a girl for one of the parts...and you know Alex, he hammed it up quite well and had the audience laughing. Unfortunately, flash pictures were not allowed but I took a few of the crew after it was over.


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