4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Friday 11 June 2010

World Cup Soccer Time!

Or should I say futbol? Fans from all walks of life emerged to watch Mexico play South Africa in the World cup. Our local bar opened early so that we could all go on Friday at 9 am to catch the game. Work comes after soccer here if  you haven't guessed. Truly, shops closed or opened late so that people could watch the game. It is rather fun to be cheering for Mexico in Mexico with the Mexicans. I think the Mexicans think it is rather funny too. Game score: 1-1.

Then Saturday we, of course, had to watch the US vs. England. We met some nice folks from England and had a good time roasting each other during the game. Luckily for all, the game tied 1-1 so we all could leave with our heads held high.

I do like watching soccer and all the bars around have big signs to come in and watch the game and drink a michelada. Michelada? A Mexican specialty with beer, lime juice, tomato juice, salt, and chili seasoning. Everyone drinks them here and Charles has joined in with the locals. I can't really stand these drinks, so I keep to the straight up, boring beer.

I did have a good local drink the other day called "Bull". This drink is dark beer, lemonade, and rum. Quite refreshing and tasty. We keep asking locals about their favorite food and drinks and a local just shared this one with me. It is not on any menu, so you just have to ask for it. Mmm...wonder what I'll find out next?

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