Easter is a huge holiday here in Mexico since the majority of people are Catholic and today was the official start of the holiday with a day called our Lady of Sorrows (Nuestra Senora de los Delores). On this day San Miguel is adorned with purple, white, and green (and alters are created all over the city in dedication to the sorrow of the Virgin Mary over the death of Jesus. These beautiful works of art are dedications to Mary and do not seem sad; rather, the decorations of candles, oranges, flowers, and colored paper seem more like expressions of joy. Surrounding some of the alters are carpets made out of different type of seeds, grains and beans as well as flower petals. Families often plan their alters for most of the year. The event begins at 7 pm and continues well into the night.

We took the kids and went out and visited a few alters and the streets were crowded with families and people of all ages visiting the alters. At each alter, cool fruit drinks and ice cream are offered to everyone. The refreshments symbolize Mary's tears. Every alter also had oranges with gold flags on them...this symbolized Mary's sorrow (bitter oranges) and Mary's joy at knowing her son would be resurrected (golden flags). Many of the famous alters had long lines but we managed to cajole the kids to wait in a few lines.
We also found a very local restaurant in centro and enjoyed fresh guacamole, enchiladas, quesadillas, and cerveza. We could watch the women make our dinner as it seemed this was also their house. We like to go very local when we can!

hIt was a later night for the kids but the several ice creams that they were given at each alter helped give them energy to walk! Our kids are not used to late nights so we know they are not Mexican. It is amazing the small children that are out at all hours of the night around here! Kids start their 2 weeks of Easter break now, so luckily there is no getting up early now!
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