On Sunday we all took a taxi out to Xote (pronounced Chote) water park. We all needed a day to relax and have fun and this place came highly recommended. The place had a few good slides, although we all agreed that our favorite was the Toboggan. This was a huge slide that you rode down on mats and it literally catapulted you down. Mexico really has very few rules so everyone could go down anyway they wanted. Owen went on a few other slides and they had a lot of different pools all that were various temperatures.
The sun gets very hot here, although the wind when you were wet made you a bit cold. We slathered on the sunscreen, but the children all were red by the end of the day. This was a mostly Mexican hangout and we have noticed that they are a very family-oriented culture. They all came in wheeling their suitcases full of food and clothes (suitcases are used for many things here) and set up camp for the day. Big cookouts, lots of yummy food, siestas, and fun...they have got it right.
We ended the day with some delicious ice cream cones and headed home. Fun for all!
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