4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Sunday 28 March 2010

Palm Sunday

This is truly the first day of the holy week. Everywhere in the city vendors were selling intricately woven palm fronds decorated with flowers. Most people we saw had bought at least one of these palm fronds and then they are blessed prior to the processional. Each frond was 10 pesos so we bought one for each child. We went to Juarez Park where one of the main processionals was starting. These processionals represent Christ's entry into Jerusalem where he was received by onlookers waving palm fronds. A huge sculpture of Christ  riding a donkey (sculpture dates from the 18th century) is carried from the park and is followed by hundreds of people. This procession continues until it reaches into La Parroquia.

This was fascinating to watch as hordes of people started lining up behind the statue of Jesus and at the start a priest gave a short sermon and then threw holy water up and down all of the lines of people. The processional began with loud firecrackers (most main events are signaled by firecrackers) and then everyone started marching. We took quite a few pictures and then joined the processional at the end and marched until the main square. Our kids thought they were going to see a parade, so they thought it was interesting but that our parades at home were better! I guess their religious upbringing is leaving a little to be desired!

After the parade, Charles had gotten a tip about a great restaurant to try. You really would never know about this place unless someone told you. We came to this big door and you just ring the doorbell and they buzz you in. Through the big door we went and into a wonderfully peaceful garden. This is a B & B which also serves fabulous meals. The place is called Posada de Carazon and is such a little get away from the noise of the city. We had our best cup of coffee yet here....dark and rich. We will definitely go back here as it really is such a peaceful place with good food.

Hannah and I then shopped around for a while and Charles and the boys went to the park to play. Later in the afternoon Charles and I slipped away for a happy hour drink and left Hannah in charge. Kids enjoyed a movie and we parents enjoyed an hour sans children!!! A very good Sunday...

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