4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Thursday 25 March 2010

Trash and the Circus

So are you wondering what I could possibly say about trash? It took us a few days to figure out how trash works around here, so we thought it was worth sharing. The trash trucks come by at least 3 times per week. One man goes ahead of the trash truck and has a big metal gong that he bangs up and down the street. The first time we saw this, we were just walking and had no idea that a trash truck was soon to follow. It was quite early in the morning as we were walking the kids to school. We took guesses...why could he possibly be waking up this entire city block??? We finally realized this was to alert everyone that the trash truck was on its way. Everyone runs out of their house with their trash and hands the bags up to the driver. It is often quite a social experience as everyone is outside hauling out their trash. Mexico is definitely not green... no recycling that I can see at all.

The circus is coming to town!!! How do we know? Small circus cars drive all over town with these poor circus animals in them (animals are in cages in the back) yelling out of their megaphone about the circus. Every time we see another circus car it has another animal in it. We've seen tigers, lions, and monkeys being driven all over this city. Today the circus was even being announced from an airplane!!! We couldn't figure out how they were amplifying the sound but they sure as heck were. I keep saying how badly I feel for these animals....I'm glad we don't have circuses in the U.S. with animals anymore (at least known that I know about!). Anyway, it is funny how they advertise things around here!

Alex had a field trip for school today and we just had to laugh. The teacher drove his car and all six kids piled into this tiny car. One in the front seat, 4 in the back, and one in the way back. No seat belts. No rules. Just drive.  They went to a B & B which is also a museum that has an interesting collection of masks. Apparently, the teacher hit a concrete wall pulling into the driveway so he dented his car a bit. I guess it will look more like most of the cars driven around here. We have decided Volkswagen bugs are the most popular cars here...you say "Bocho Rojo" as the equivalent for red punch buggy!

1 comment:

  1. HaHa, reminds me of us horseback riding in the Dominican Republic...no forms to sign, no conversation about experience, just hop on and off we went at a full gallop through streams and across fields. I'm loving reading about your experiences! The blog is a wonderful idea for all of us to feel connected to you and live this adventure through you. Love to all, Linda
