4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Friday 30 April 2010

Dia del Nino

Today is the Dia del Nino (Day of the Child) here in Mexico and it is a holiday that honors all the children...quite a different attitude from the US where people joke that every day is kid's day so why do anything special for them? All the schools in the area have parties during the day and parents give presents to their children. Luckily, our kids gave us a free pass today since we aren't familiar with these Mexican customs. We told them they could choose something small in one of the markets as their child's day gift and they were quite happy with that proposition.

I did go to school today and serve the kids lunch. Every Friday one or two parents do this and the money collected from lunch is donated to the school for field trips and extras. I tagged team with a Mexican woman who's grandchild is at the Waldorf school. Our lunch menu was pasta with homemade sauce, fresh baked rolls, apples, oranges, lemonade, and chocolate cake. The students really enjoyed it and it was fun to serve them all. I love the mix of English and Spanish that we all used to communicate...kids are so open to trying to speak another language. I don't often go out to the school since it is about 20 minutes outside of town and we don't have a car here. So, my kids were extremely happy that Mom could come again to their school. Even Owen hugged and kissed me and then waved goodbye at the end. No more tears for him at school...yeah!

Last night was a full moon and this morning when I got up the moon was still full but the rising sun was creating beautiful colors of pink in the sky. I only have a point and shoot camera, but you can get the idea!

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