4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Saturday 1 May 2010

Day at the Mercado and Spanish Fast Food

Today we had a lovely day walking around the mercado. It is filled with fruits, vegetables, pottery, tin, jewelry, wooden toys, handicrafts...basically you name it. I just love walking around and looking at all the lovely things.

Charles and I are hoping to design our outside porch in a Mexican theme. So we bought some tin lizards for the wall, and big Mayan mask, and then will buy some tin stars. The tin stars are quite popular around here. They have lights on the inside and then decorative holes so that they make the most beautiful reflection when lit.

Charles also hit on some great Spanish fast food at a chain called Tortillan. They make these huge sandwiches (our favorite is a big chicken sandwich on a baguette with cheese, tomato, avacado, lettuce, and onion. Then they have 3 kinds of salsas that you can put on them. Delicious! Add a fruit drink (blended mango, papaya, banana, strawberry) and you are all set. A deal for about $2.00 a sandwich. Kids enjoyed it and Alex and Owen sat up at the bar so they could see them making all the food.

The top pictures are the mercado and the entrance.

This picture is Tortillan and the boys at the bar.

Another favorite of ours is ice cream here. The kids found a toy car to sit in while they enjoyed their cones.

Owen in particular loved his cone!

One satisfied boy...
While we were shopping we came across this house that looked like it housed pigeons. Hmm...

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