4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Saturday 15 May 2010

Medieval Festival at Los Charcos School

Today there was a big medieval festival held at the Waldorf School. They had maypole dancers, archers, and plays performed by the students. Alex "aka God of the Gods" did a nice job in the play he was in (Siegfried) and even spoke a line in Spanish that he had to memorize.

Owen, of course, was transfixed by the archers so we decided to get him an arrow of his own. I decided NOT to venture into buying the bow too as the last thing I need is a wild 5 year old shooting arrows in a rental house! Ha!

This was a lovely school event and most of the families attended. We all brought a dish to share and at the end, had a lovely meal all together.

Owen with his friend Kipling. Notice the archer in the background.
I realized that I hadn't taken pictures of school yet, so I'll include them now in this blog.

This is one of their classrooms.

Owen's classroom and his playground.

The playground for the older kids. Notice how dusty it is. Bees live in the sand and are often swarming, but never bite. Lunch is outside wherever you want to sit. No lunchroom at this small school!

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