4 Months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Sunday 23 May 2010

Please no more Fireworks!!!

Sunday morning...usually a great day to relax and catch up on some needed sleep. What? Another fiesta? Surprise, surprise. Loud, booming fireworks started the party at the grand hour of 6 am. Since they were set off at the Church right down the street from us, we jumped out of bed since it sounded like gunshots in the bedroom. The night before we had let the kids watch a movie late, so we had some extremely grumpy people including ourselves early in the morning. What I think is funny is that the fireworks then stopped at 7 am and for the next few hours nothing happened. Then later in the day, the party got going, everyone dressed in costume, the music started, and the frolicking began.

We had planned on going to Xote, the waterpark, again and we had a lovely day as the park was pretty much empty. I guess most people were either too tired from partying or were still partying! We went with our friends the Hillers and barbecued and enjoyed a beautiful day. Owen went down the biggest waterslide there for the first time and was so proud of himself. It is quite a fast, scary ride so there is no way the other kids would have been doing this at age 5.

We arrived home tired, a bit sunburned, but happy. Kids were ready for bed early and we were all set when....FIREWORKS!! Again. They started this time at 9:00 pm from the church and then for the next hour. Poor kids just wanted to sleep. Maybe tomorrow we will catch some zzz's?

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